Saturday 24 November 2012


I was wandering to myself - why am I writing about the life of a Zambian married woman.

We are taught that what happens in a married home remains there - in the house. so on that principle I am going against one of the major tenants that, might see me taken to alangizi by my husband (alangizi are women who teach the bride to be what is expected of her in marriage. Women are taught, men are not - but that is a story for another day)

The reason I started this blog:
  1. There is a lot of intermarriage between tribes in Zambia nowadays. Therefore the foods, customs that my husband grew up with are very different from the foods and customs that I grew up with. For example it is not uncommon in my generation for a man to have parents form two different tribes marrying a woman from parents from two different tribes. The alangizi try their best but some subjects slip through the cracks.
  2. Especially the foods. If your husband grew up eating hopani (monitor lizard eaten in the Western province of Zambia) and you are from the East you will have no idea how to prepare it. The traditional foods eaten by tribes are very diverse and if you want to do tuchawa (something special for hubby) you will have to dig up a friend from that tribe to teach you. so what about a blog. it will always be there and you can cook nsima and ndiwo (relish) at 6 am (if your husband loves that sort of thing in the morning).
  3. Somethings in life are worth writing about as I have learnt from the many blogs out there. 
  4. Most of the ideas and ways of doing things I have got from others blogs. So this is the Zambianised way (Zambianised is when you take something foreign and adapt it to our local setting). With items that are locally available.
  5. For my children. If i don't live to see them grown up and independent as i was fortunate enough to. I would like them to know what mummy did, how she did and what she loved doing. I still call my mother when I have forgotten a certain recipe or want to know something I have forgotten.
  6. I am married to a very understanding, open minded and loving man. Therefore I think I can start this and get away with it. (no alangizi for me). Besides if I die before him I would like him to be able to read my blogs and be reminded of me.
so here goes....

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